Series 1 (wave 1)

Material: Metallic Black PVC
Paint: Yes - Pearlescent Gray
Price: $7
Availability: Online

Material: Metallic Black PVC
Paint: Yes - Pearlescent Orange
Price: $7
Availability: Online
Series 1 (wave 2)
Series 1 (Mail Away Promos)

Material: Gold PVC
Paint: Yes - Black
Price: Redemption only.
Availability: Mail-in - This figure is only available when you redeem 10 proof of purchase stickers. Limited numbers. While supplies last.

Material: Gold PVC
Paint: Yes - Black
Price: Redemption only.
Availability: Mail-in - This figure is only available when you redeem 10 proof of purchase stickers. Limited numbers. While supplies last.

Material: Metallic Black PVC
Paint: Yes - Silver
Price: Redemption only.
Availability: Mail-in - This figure is only available when you redeem 10 proof of purchase stickers. Limited numbers. While supplies last.